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New"Mikvah" CD on Sale

New CD by Mikva
************Pre-Release Sale Price.....$13.98 INCLUDES Shipping**********


This long awaited debut CD by the "Female Superstars of Jewish Music" is 
finally on it's way.

We are offering this CD at the special low PRE-RELEASE price of $13.98 
INCLUDING shipping within the US on all orders received through June 15.

Mikvah consists of:
Lauren Brody...Accordionist and vocalist-performed with Kapelye and has been 
an integral part of the Jewish music scene since the "revival."

Adrienne Cooper....the leading female Yiddish vocalist today. Her recording 
of "Ghetto Tango" is one of our top sellers since it's release and is still 
one of our top 5 selling recordings.  If you think she's great on record (and 
she is), wait till you see her perform in person!

Margot Leverett...A founding member of the Klezmatics, Margot's debut CD, 
"Art of The Klezmer Clarinet" was critically acclaimed and a consistent 

Nicki Parrot...primarily known as a 'jazz' artist, has performed--on double 
bass-- with top jazz artists and has been featured on radio and television in 
her native Australia.

Alicia Svigals...also a founding member of the Klezmatics, Alicia was a 
featured performer on the Itzhak Perlman CD and concert tour of "In The 
Fiddler's House." Her solo CD, "Fiddle" is an excellent example the 'Klezmer 
violin' and is a consistent seller.

Please remember that the pre-release price of $13.98 is for all orders 
received Through June 15.

We accept Visa & Mastercard
Thank You,
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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