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Re: Thomas Friedman (NYT) & Israel

I don't mean to start a (clearly off-Jewish Music topic) thread on this, and 
won't at all mind if there are no further postings on it, but as Lee 
Friedman slipped a reference to Tom Friedman into his recent post, I feel 
impelled to add that, imhonsho, Friedman did not in *any* way "suddenly" 
awaken to the situation in Israel.  To assert so is, I suspect, to reveal, 
or convey, that one hasn't been carefully reading and following Friedman's 
articles (and, for that matter, TV and radio appearances) in re Israel over 
the last several years or more--which reflect a consistent, steady, 
grounded, and in my view, both ethical and perceptive understanding of 
what's (tragically) going on.

--Robert Cohen

>Only later did I find out that your reference was
>to the correspondence regarding THOMAS Friedman's
>(no relation) sudden awakening to the situation in Israel.

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