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Re: separate services

 As I recall the case, it was a Jewish woman (since the bus travelled
 downtown NYC and Hasidic shtetl, everyone on the bus was Jewish.)  For the
 ride home from work, she took the seat just behind the usual mehitsa line
 the bus.  However, more men than usual got on the bus, and she was told to
 move all the way to the back of the bus so that the men could daven mincha.
 She refused.

 I haven't heard anything about how the court case turned out.

 ----- Original Message -----
 > About two years ago, there was a court case in Rockland County, NY.
 > men used a PUBLIC bus to go to work in NYC, and held morning services on
 > bus.  They told a non-Jewish woman, also on the way to work, to get off
 > bus (or perhaps to sit in the back), and she took the matter to court.
 > not sure how the case turned out, but I can't imagine any civil court
 > against the woman.  This is the same group of hasidim who want separate
 > public school buses to transport their boys and girls to school.  Yes,
 > same ones involved in Pres. Clinton's most recent problems.
 > How they choose to live their lives is nobody else's business, but when
 > impose their views on others they have crossed a line, in my view.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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