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Re: Looking for songbook

Thanks, Itzik.  I would love a copy of your copy.  How are things for
you?  I read your article in the Forward about Yiddish schools in Mexico.
Very interesting.  I would like to talk with you about this sometime.

BTW, the music is done and edited.  I may go back and change the volume
levels and spacing between some, but other than that, I just need to
finish the booklet.  A friend of mine who is an editor for Random House in
NYC says I should make a book and accomplanying CD out of it.  She thinks
what I have written is really good.

mit fraynshaft,

itzik gottesman wrote:

> I have a photocopy somewhere. - Itzik

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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