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Re: biographical info

SAMUEL BUGATCH -- a famous composer and conductor of synagogue choral
music. He grew up in Rogachev, White Russia and moved to the US at age
13. Graduated from Peabody Conservatory of Music. Served as Music
Director for Beth T'filoh in Baltimore and Adath Israel in the Bronx.
His most well-known compositions were Judea (1943) and Israel, a Dream
Realized (1950).

Cantor David Sirull
Charleston, SC

--- L_Cahan <L_Cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org> wrote:
> Hi, I'm asking again after having searched.  Shira P., maybe you
> could
> help.  Does anyone have biographical information about the following
> composers and authors:
> Y. Kalushiner
> Leon Wajner
> Mikhl (Michl) Gelbart
> I. J. Schwartz
> Ben Yomen
> Yudl Mark
> Yisroel Goykhberg
> I. Lukowsky
> Shmuel (Samuel) Bugatch
> A dank in foroys,
> Lorele
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> ---------------------+

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