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Re: Looking for songbook

Tayer Itzik,

Thanks for the announcement in the Forward.  I was thrilled to see it.  Will it 
be in the English Forward, too?  If not, is there anything I can do to make it 

I was cleaning out my mail files and ran across the correspondence below.

Did you ever run across the book we discussed?  I would love to have a copy of 
it if you have time.

I'm looking for a book -- Lider-zamlbukh far der yidisher shul un
> familye, edited by Z. Kiselgoff, which was published in 1911.  Anyone
> have one?

itzik gottesman wrote:

> Lori, once I find it, and confirm it's the one you want, I will send 
> you a copy. 

Thanks alot, Itzik,

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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