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Re: Oscar Hammerstein II

Responding to the message of <001d01c0c6e4$4e766900$4d4279a5 (at) bob>
from jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org:
> I was just at a music lecture after which two apparently well-educated
> people asserted with confidence that Oscar Hammerstein II (of Kern and
> Hammerstein and Rodgers and Hammerstein fame) was Jewish.
> Is this a common conception?
> If so, any theories as to why?
Because it's true.

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American Studies
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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