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Re: Why some tunes stick in your head

I don't think he really  explained "why".  He explained some of the "what" -
the characteristics of those dumb songs you can't get out.

BTW, he didn't mention what I have found to be the best way to 
turn those loops off.  Just stop, and sing the tune out loud with 
some gusto and that can usually shut it off for me.

shirona wrote:

> I used to work in Advertising as a graphic designer, and left that field
> because I couldn't stand the lies and dishonesty.  Why is it that we produce
> so much BS in our present culture?  Why is it OK with us to have SO MUCH
> profound dishonesty prevalent and acceptable - as if it's no big deal?  How
> do you explain to a three year old who hears first thing in the morning a
> catchy little tune that "sticks in your head" - "the best part of waking up
> is Folgers in your cup" - that it's really not true?  

Hey, why hold back - tell us how you REALLY feel.  ;-P

> I guess there isn't a whole lot of money out there for Jewish musicians, for
> example, to create with scientific expertise great "stick in your head"
> ORIGINAL Jewish music, to uplift the spirit, rather than sell some stupid
> product. Nah...  If your motives are that "pure" - you most likely have to
> operate on a shoestring...

Well, I dunno.  No, the money isn't there, but that hasn't stopped the
"sticky" songs from being created.  I've had the Ramat Viznitz version
of Ani Mamin stuck upstairs for days...funny, I have trouble remembering
how it starts, but if I go to the end (which will NOT leave my head)
"eykoche lo, eykoche lo, eykoche lo, bchol yom sheyavo" WHAM, up to
the top we come "ANni MA-a-min, ANni MA-a-min..."

I feel like there are so many little bits and pieces of Jewish song and
liturgy that tend to get stuck in my head, so maybe the fools are the
Mad Ave types who spend millions to come up with "Have a (pesadik) Coke
and a Smile", when, as the article points out, most 5 year olds
can come up with a tune that willget stuck in your head - Nyah nah na
NAH nah, nah!

But can it really be true that the best part of waking up is Folgers
in my cup?  And all these years I thought that the fact I woke up was
the best part...that I'm warm in my own little bed with my spouse 
and that we have useful (and paying!) work to do was the best part.

Guess I have a lot to learn yet.

ro - excuse me while I go pry my toungue out of my cheek

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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