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Re: Why some tunes stick in your head

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 20:19:46 -0700, you wrote:

>It's nice to know there are a few idealists left out there, especially in
>your generation, who weren't even around in the 60's... Phew!  There IS hope

Yeah, well, you get kind of weird when you stop watching TV. I didn't even like 
"American Pie"! (I watched it sleeping over a friend's house, on his couch to 
escape my uncle who had taken over my house... anyway I watched it in abject 
horror. I just couldn't turn it off, it was so bad. I couldn't sleep at all the 
rest of the night)

>You also have an amazing knack for publicity.... do you want a job?  ;-)

Job? (searching through memory) Job, job... (searching...)

Yeah, I had a job once... Last summer, I was a cashier... the drawer was always 
either over or under. ALWAYS. It was like hell. I would work for hours, be 
CAREFUL LIKE A MOTHA, and go to the bookkeeper and then it's like "HOLY SH-T 
Yakov, you SCREWED UP AGAIN! BIG G-DDA-N SURPRISE!" So I got fired.

That wasn't fun

So, no, no job. Me no like job

Resident Curmudgeon-in-Training, Bim-Bam list 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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