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Re: Joni Mitchell?

And I thought it was Kol Isha not Tmunah Isha!

--- Robert Cohen <rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com> wrote:
> Heh-heh!  And I'm not sure about the point (or
> POINT) to which Simon so 
> lecherously responded--not if we're talking about
> the album which has Joni 
> Mitchell's naked picture (OK, from the back) inside
> the gatefold, or 
> whatever they call it.  I'd forgotten about that
> when I raised my original 
> question--and I've forgotten what it was ...
> rlc
> ><< The POINT here is obvious. It's possible to
> listen to
> >a women sing without becoming sexually aroused.  >>
> >
> >So what would the point be of listening????
> >Simon
> >
> >
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