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Re: Why some tunes stick in your head

This is just great.  All we need in our culture is more sophisticated
"professionals" creating more music that will "sick in your head" for more
mindless, useless, commercial products.  Everything good in life is
literally "raped" by commercialism.  Especially music.  Our deepest
feelings, needs, desires are "highjacked" by commercials - for profit.
McDonald's, Coke, Pepsi, phone companies - all of them - literally target
the essence of life for their (in most cases bad-for-your-health)  products.

I used to work in Advertising as a graphic designer, and left that field
because I couldn't stand the lies and dishonesty.  Why is it that we produce
so much BS in our present culture?  Why is it OK with us to have SO MUCH
profound dishonesty prevalent and acceptable - as if it's no big deal?  How
do you explain to a three year old who hears first thing in the morning a
catchy little tune that "sticks in your head" - "the best part of waking up
is Folgers in your cup" - that it's really not true?  So we grow up
accepting these lies and think nothing of it.  I think we're paying a heavy
price for this - whether or not we realize it. I think  I'll call it
"spiritual homelessness"...Look how hard we have to fight just to keep Jews
in the "spiritual fold".

I guess there isn't a whole lot of money out there for Jewish musicians, for
example, to create with scientific expertise great "stick in your head"
ORIGINAL Jewish music, to uplift the spirit, rather than sell some stupid
product. Nah...  If your motives are that "pure" - you most likely have to
operate on a shoestring...

My two Zuzim for the day.  Have a wonderful Pesach.....


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* * *  Singer / Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music * * *

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Rushefsky" <rushefsky_p (at) univerahealthcare(dot)org>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 5:42 AM
Subject: Why some tunes stick in your head

> Here's the answer:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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