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Re: moos yiddish and german

I'm not a Yiddish specialist, but AFAIK, a few of Hebrew-derivated Yiddish 
words passed into the German language (or slang):

Muess -->Moos (money)
Beis ---> Beis (home)
Betuakh --->betucht (well-to-do)
Kfar --->Kaff (village)
Geneywe --->Ganove (burglar)
Knass --->Knast (jail)
Souss ---> Zossen (horse)
Kotsn ---> grosskotzig (boasting)
Make ---> Macke (default)
Malokhe ---> Maloche (job)
Maushe--> mauscheln (gossip)
Pleyt ---> Pleite machen ((flee)
Tow ---> Dufte (good smell)
Shmire --->Schmiere stehen (to mount guard)
Gite Rosh Hashana --->gute Rutsch! (good slide!)
Hazlokhe un brokhe ---> Hals- und Beinbruch! (break your neck and your leg!)

I'm sure Yiddish trained list members can correct my list and add some more 
terms... or is it too much out of topic?  :-)}


Michel Borzykowski
tel +4122 7554123
fax +4122 7761494
borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch 
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