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Re: RE Kol Isha

Quite aside--or maybe not aside--from the merits of this issue, R. Shlomo 
Carlebach, z"l, used to say that it's easy (for a halakhic authority) to say 
No; it takes real learning, and halakhic creativity (not the words he would 
use) to say Yes.

BTW, Shlomo was not flexible on kol isha out of acceding, reluctantly, to 
his daughter Neshama's wanting to sing; he *urged* her to sing.  Practically 
insisted on it.

--Robert Cohen

P.S.  As I've advised this list before, she's sung in concert at the 
Carlebach Shul in NYC and (to my surprise) in concert at Lincoln Square 
Synagogue (also in NYC); perhaps (I don't know) at other Orthodox shuls as 
well.  And btw, Neshama identifies (proudly) as Orthodox and I'm not sure, 
though I can't speak for her, that she would appreciate the content of some 
posts that seem to see all Orthodox women as sort of dumb/passive victims.

>     I know the power of the voice, both male and female, and I can 
>appreciate that there are some men who are on a spiritual path, and a 
>beautiful voice could distract such a person, but such people are really 
>rare, and it's a real shame that many of us suffer because the mainstream 
>orthodox community, and its leaders cannot find the courage to say Yes, but 
>keeps on saying NO, even when there are plenty of loopholes, and a way 
>could be found to be lenient.
>     All the best
>     Hanna Yaffe

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