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Re: Sirba

I hope not! The Serbs were known by that name in the seventh century or
thereabouts in the common era when they are generally thought to have 
migrated, along with the Croats from North Central Europe into their 
current digs. The violins come much later, no?


At 03:42 PM 2/21/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Did I read once on this list that the Serbian people got their name from Serbo
>>>> Paul M. Gifford 02/21 2:14 PM >>>
>"Michel Borzykowski" <borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch> wrote:
>A question about the SIRBA: Has this dance anything to do with the SERBIA (the
>country) ?
>Yes, at least that in Romanian, it means Serbian. My favorite 
>translation of the word sarba (pre- and post-Communist orthography)
>appears on a 1950s American bootleg: "Serbian Lady, Be Ready."
>Paul Gifford

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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