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Re: Kol Isha: Theology and Halakha

In a message dated 2/19/01 7:45:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

> As I pointed out, with examples, it is not true about the Conservative 
> movement that "it has to do what it's [sic] constituents think right."  

My phrase "constituents" referred to it's Rabbinical constituents. My point 
was simply to say that more traditionally minded people once associated with 
the Seminary became uncomfortable with the direction it took, and I believe 
that in part, the Law Committee had something to do with it. Even though 
Rabbi Roth uses "precedent law" thinking, common to Conservative and Orthodox 
jurisprudence, they would feel that in some way the Committee perhaps was too 
loose with it's interpretive approach.  I will have to track down Rabbi 
Gillman's book, it may help clarify some of the issues for me. By now, 
everyone is probably wondering, "what is it with these guys?"

Kol Tuv, 

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