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To G-d or not to G-d!

My personal solution to this delima has served me quite well.
When I write the word, I insert the "o" (god),however, when I SAY the word,
I delete it! 
Every Happy?

PS I've been off List for a few days, anybody have any opinions on Kol 
Isha??? No?, I didn't think so.

<< > >

> >The premise behind the G-d business is that when writing something in pen

> >or

> >pencil, one must be careful not to erase or destroy the name of God. That

> >is

> >how the G-d practice orginated. 

> nu are you saying it applies only when written in Hebrew?  also what about

> email.  i regularly send the email to the trash bin....???


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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