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JTS and Female Cantors

In a message dated 02/20/2001 12:45:54 AM !!!First Boot!!!, 
wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

> However, it is true that there is no mention in its index of Kol Ishah.  I 
> do not know when that issue whether/when that issue was formally resolved 

If anyone is seriously interested in this question, I'll ask my sister, Riki, 
to respond when she gets back in town.  She was in the class of the first two 
female cantors to be invested by JTS.  I think it was ten years ago, give or 
take.  There was a tremendous amount of thought and debate that went into 
that decision, but checking what the congregations thought about it was not 
one that I am aware of.  I recall, for instance, that Riki's audition for her 
congregation (Oheb Shalom in South Orange) was met with serious opposition by 
the board.  When it came down to the personal level, however, those opposed 
came to consider that it was possible to be inspired (and not distracted or 
turned on) by a chazanit with the appropriate appearance and with true 


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