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Re: jewish music databases

----- Original Message -----
From: <ro (at) panix(dot)com>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 1:12 PM
Subject: jewish music databases

> Not about music but about keeping track of and finding it:
> I've started cataloging my Hasidic records in an Access (ptui ptui ptui)
> database.  What I'd really like to do tho is also catalog the tunes
> themselves.
> A problem is inconsistant transliteration.  For example, I probably
> have a dozen different version of Lecha Dodi  or L'Cha Doidi or Lechah
> Doideh.
> The best solution to my mind is to enter tune names in the character
> set appropriate for the language; eg to enter Lecha Dodi in Hebrew.
> Ignoring vowel points, all the above would spell identically.
> I see that the Freedman Collection at the U of P seems to be able
> to do that.  My database experience in Sybase is vast, in Access
> not so vast, but in either case having diffferent languages and
> character sets for different fields is not something the DBMS
> makes particularly simple.
> Has anyone in this list tried such a thing?  I tried contacting
> the people who worked on the Freedman Collection but didn't hear
> from them.
> roger
> --
> r l reid ro (at) panix(dot)com
Microsoft Access  supports many languages, including Hebrew characters.
I've never used that capablity, but by opening Help in Acess and searching
under "language" and "Hebrew language", I found some information.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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