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Fascinatin' Rhythm: The Music of Blacks and Jews

After a hiatus as a result of the addition of Galit and Batya to our
family, I am about to resume offering Jewish music programs.  My
newest presentation is described below.  Thanks to Wolf and Alex for
their help.  Researching the topic has indeed been fascinating.

Fascinatin' Rhythm: The Music of Blacks and Jews

This multi-media program explores the evolution of the complicated
relationship between African- and Jewish-Americans.  In the United
the affinity and antipathy of these two groups has been reflected in
their music.  We will investigate the record in spirituals, ragtime,
jazz, blues,
gospel, show, folk, popular, rock, and rap music.

Bob Wiener teaches legal studies at Pace University's Lubin School of
Business and writes on comparative Jewish and American business
ethics.  Dr. Irving Cohen nurtured his love of Jewish music at East
Midwood Jewish Center, Brooklyn.  Bob also presents programs, such as
this one, on Jewish themes.  He is a CSAIR member.

An abbreviated version will be given at the Conservative Synagogue
Adath Israel of Riverdale (475 West 250 Street, Riverdale, NY
718.543.8400) Torathon on February 3.  From the flyer: "Select three
45-minute sessions from an enticing roster of classes including Jewish
text study, hands-on workshops and presentation on current issues....
Conclude the evening with refreshments.  $10 suggested donation to
Adult Education Fund."  It will include about a dozen sessions,
probably 3-4 choices during each of three time blocks from
7:30pm-11:30pm.   If you are interested, I strongly recommend (as last
year's co-coordinator) that you either contact the synagogue or me for
more information (I will try to get a digital copy of the brochure) so
that you are not closed out of pre-registered sessions.  Perhaps I'll
get to meet some more list members there.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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