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Yisrolik, kum aheym!

Shalom/ahoj list friends,
Does anybody know of a recording or is familiar with "Yisrolik, kum aheym"
(words by Louis Gilrod, music by David Mayerowitz; in Mlotek "Pearls of
Yiddish Songs, 1988, apparently from a 1908 play), and/or  "Tsi kenstu dos
land" (words Simon Frug, published in 1917, otherwise in the more recent
"Song of Generations")? I'd appreciate any interpretative ideas. Right now,
"Yisrolik" is shaping up as a rather angry, melodramatic piece, while "Tsi
kenstu" has taken on  a jazzy, syncopated life of its own. Any wise words?

Lenka Lichtenberg, Yiddish singer
e-mail lenkal (at) attcanada(dot)ca

246 Haddington Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5M 2P9


Ari's review of my CD "Deep Inside" can be found at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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