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Scandinavian kick


To follow up what Seth said about Scandinavian polskas sounding freygish, I 
have a fantastic CD by Scandinavian folk dons Hedningarna which I played to 
some fellow students in an ethno class on N Indian classical music and it 
definitely sounded more Rajasthan than Roskilde.
SOme of their improv is so wild on their Nordic instruments (hurdygurdy was 
one of the few intruments on their cd i recognised!), truly inspirational in 
v freygish sounding modes.

Also for the jazz/folk lot amongst u i hugely recommend Jan Johansson's 
piano/bass versions of Swedish folk tunes in the Svenska pa jazz series, v 
subtle and oozing class.

Lastly I recommend to absolutely everybody a new group from Hungary called 
Beshodrom (a name with gypsy connections - think Ando drom / Latcho Drom , 
English ones - 'bass and drum' - and klezmer ones (loosely translates as 
'roll a joint')).
They are a 12 piece electro acoustic folk ensemble, with saxes, trumpet, 
bass, accordion, darbukka, tsimbl/cimbalom, singer ( who sounds like a young 
Marta Sebestyen from Muszikas), drum programmer, DJ and I'm sure a few 
instruments I've left out. Their sound ranges from Hungarian and 
Transylvanian to wild Balkan with kaval to Greek and Turkish with ney flute. 
Their record is out on Fono ( and they are for me the most 
exciting group in Europe at the moment.

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