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Re: bobruisk Yizkor Book

In a message dated 01/10/2001 6:19:26 AM !!!First Boot!!!, 
RFISCHER (at) mail(dot)hartford(dot)edu writes:

<< there's a song called "yoshke, yoshke" that has something about buying 
 in it. my youth klezmer band and maxwell st. klezmer band sings it to tantz 
 yidelech. >>

Hi, Rachel!
That melody apparently had any number of incarnations, one of the best known 
being "Reb Dovidl."  The klezmer band instrumental recording that made the 
rounds on CD is called "Tantz, Yidelekh" and the version that the Klezmorim 
(olevasholem) of California recorded in the early 70's was "Yoshke, Yoshke."  
My band does a combination of the Yoshke and the Tantz, Yidelekh.  The best 
part is when Alex puts down the fiddle an does some nice "kozatski" leaps 
around the stage.  Although all of our backs are not what they used to be.  
But that's another subject.
Maxwell St. and Jr. Klezmer Orchestra

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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