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RE: bobruisk Yizkor Book

there's a song called "yoshke, yoshke" that has something about buying horses 
in it. my youth klezmer band and maxwell st. klezmer band sings it to tantz 

>===== Original Message From "Helen Winkler" <winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com> 
>The yizkor book discussion started me re-reading yizkor books again.  List 
members might enjoy looking at the Bobruisk book at
>Memories of Hlusk
>It covers many of the topics that were mentioned in the "romanticizing the  
shtetl thread:"  music;i.e., the local klezmer band led by Reb Yoshke, the mud 
and the poverty and a few that we didn't cover such as the illegal horse trade 
and the secret language of the horse traders.
>Helen Winkler
>winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com
>Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
>Calgary Folkdance Fridays

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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