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Re: Rav Shlomo, z"l

Just for the record, I'd like to say very publicly that, for those of us who 
had the great, awesome privilege of learning with and from him, Shlomo was 
the most gevalt spiritual teacher of our times--who shared some of the 
deepest, most beautiful, and hidush-nik Torah of our generation.

I'm not sure what "spiritual persona" and "spiritual charisma" (in another 
message mean)--one is either drawn to someone's charisma (which Shlomo 
obviously had) or not.  But as a role model ... well, how many teachers do 
you know who would empty their pockets--*and sign over entire paychecks* 
(for as much as $10,000) because someone in need importuned them?  But I do 
not intend or desire to start a thread on this theme, and do not in any way 
ask for, or seek or desire, response.

As far as Jewish music "speaking to many people" (I may be misconstruing Ari 
here), it is Shlomo's and Debbie's, et al, music that is the Jewish music 
speaking to many Jews today!


Robert Cohen

>You sound like I sound when I dismiss the music of Debbie Friedman and 
>Carlebach (although him, at least, I knew over the course of several years, 
>it is easier to be clear that it was not him as a person, but the music and
>spiritual persona with which I had trouble). I would suspect that the 
>response for both of us in such circumstances is to listen and ask why this
>tradition speaks to so many people, rather than separate out that which we 
>and ignore the rest.
>Ari "I hope I'm not often this self-righteous, but suspect that I am" 
>Ari Davidow
>ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
>list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>the klezmer shack:

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