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Re: contemporary liturgical music

Well,.... the Encyclopedia of Jewish Music by Macy Nulman DOESN'T HAVE A
SINGLE _WOMAN_ AS COMPOSER mentioned either.... and only two or three women
included at all....who were ethnomusicologists, Ruth Rubin and Edith
Gershon-Kiwi. (There might have been one more woman mentioned but I can't
remember who at this moment). 

 Astonishingly, Macy 
>Nulman's otherwise fine ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JEWISH MUSIC, published in the 
>mid-70s, doesn't even have an *entry* for Shlomo, whose melodies even then 
>were being sung by Jews all over the world.  But it did have many entries 
>for numerous composers of cantorial or "art" music settings whose music is 
>virtually *never* sung, or recognized, by Jews *anywhere* in the world.  But 
>Cantor Nulman, along with many of his colleagues, deemed this music worthy 
>and Shlomo's unworthy.

Judith S. Pinnolis
Reference Librarian
Coordinator for Publications and Training
Brandeis University Libraries
Goldfarb Library MS045
P.O Box 549110 
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
fax: 781-736-4719
email: pinnolis (at) brandeis(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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