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NYC Tues night klezmer workshops

I was waiting for Jeff Warschauer to say something but he may be
out of town, and I don't think this has been well publicized for
reasons beyond anyone's control.

Jeff has been leading klezmer workshops at the Arbeiter Ring / Workmens
Circle on 33rd off Park in Manhattan for awhile.  These are starting
up again next Tuesday, January 9th, at 7 pm.  The January 9th
session is a free open house, no cost or obilgation as they say.

That is then followed by 6 weekly sessions the price of which is 
something like $170 (don't quote me, but that's the ballpark).  He
asks that you be at at least an intermediate level on your instrument
tho I've never seen him throw someone out for being an "advanced 
beginner".  Hey, I'm still there.

He usually teaches a new tune every week, starting by playing an
old recording, and then teaching it to us phrase by phrase.  Not
to embarass the man, but he has a real talent for teaching this
stuff.  Also, bieng at Workmens Circle, various people wander in
and out from time to time, or even teach a session, including
Margot Leverett, Sruli Dresdner, Micheal Alpert, and Germann Goldenschtien.

Also, the people in the workshop are also a joy and
many stay in touch outside the workshop.  

I urge you if you're an amatuer in the vicinity to come on down
for the open house and experience it for yourself.  Its a wonderful
opportunity to play on a regular basis and to improve your timing and
phraseing and repitoire.

roger reid / ronan tsimblist
r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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