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Re: Shtetlization

This reminds me of the experience when Fiddler on the roof came out. My
parents and their friends who, had left the shetels, did not enjoy Fiddler .
To  them it revived bad memories. Similarly, when I saw the play Nunsense
about a nun and her treatment of the students there were three young girls
in front of me who didn't laugh very much. To them this was bad memories of
parochial school
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ari Davidow" <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Shtetlization

> At 03:48 PM 1/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >Enjoyed Ari's musings on Shtetl romanticism, but also don't think the
> >tells the full story (which it probably wasn't meant to do).  Here's a
> >comments:
> >
> >1)  As a fan of the European klezmer recreationists (Budowitz, Khevrisa,
> >Naye Kapelye-- sorry Josh and others to throw you guys together again), I
> >the best bands are attempting to reclaim and celebrate the artistry of
> >Jewish life.  I agree that in less-skilled hands this can degrade into
> >romanticism.
> Since two of those bands released albums this year and both were in the
"Top10 of 2000" list, and the third's praises I sang just this weekend, I am
disinclined to disagree. None of the musicians involved were on my mind;
rather it was the specific term, "Shtetl," and my feeling that it has come
to represent a myth that wasn't. But as I explored that thought, I also
realized that there was more to the story. Some of that, I hope, came
> >2) I had a problem with the following statement Ari made:
> >
> >"the real flowering of Yiddish culture happened not in those towns, or
the even
> >smaller villages, but in the cities--in places like Vilna, the Jerusalem
> >Lithuania, or in Warsaw, where Habima and so much of Yiddish Theatre was
> to which you wrote:
> >Ouch!  One of the things that has impressed me in my readings of the Pale
> >the extent and sophistication of Jewish cultural and social organization
> >even
> >the smallest of settlements.
> Pete, the ouch is mine. You are right. Certainly relative to towns as we
think of them today, shtetlakh had a lot going on. On the other hand, towns
today also have a host of organizations--take a look at the signs as you
enter many small towns with their various lodges, then consider the Church-
or synagogue- or school-related organizations. There is a lot there. But to
what degree were those small towns different in their suspicions of new
things, or their freedom from conformity? I'm not sure they were.
> Yet, in reacting to the term, "shtetl," and to its romanticization, I went
too far in condemning shtetls for what they were not, as well. My
exageration, and an anti-romanticization as flawed as what I criticize.
> There is more to say, certainly, in response to the very thoughtful
comments by George Robinson and David Chevan, but I want some time to think
things over. Mostly, I feel very grateful for the comments received so far
as they have helped me clarify my own thoughts and helped me clarify what I
might have written had I been a better writer and a better thinker. In the
meantime, I don't want to cut off any emerging discussion.
> ari
> Ari Davidow
> ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
> list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> the klezmer shack:

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