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Re: Theremin (nokh a bisl tsulib dem theremin...)

on 11/5/00 3:55 PM, TomP317 (at) aol(dot)com at TomP317 (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> The virtuoso someone thought was called Lydia was called, I think, Clara
> Blackmoore. She performed a concerto for it, and I'd love anyone who knows of
> it to provide details. I don't know anything about the woman in the Theremin
> studio who passed away either (see below)...
Thanks for sharing your poem.

In the instructional video, Mastering the Theremin, Lydia Kavina is the
performer/instructor. She was a cousin of Leon Theremin and was taught by
him, from age 9, to play the instrument.

Clara Rockmore, also trained by the inventor, recorded a CD, The Art of the
Theremin. She is a different person, TTBOMK.


Seth Austen
please visit me on the web at
email; seth (at) sethausten(dot)com

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