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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 1713

At 12:08 AM 11/5/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Subject: Re: Theremin (nokh a bisl tsulib dem theremin...)

Here in LA, Alex Schubb, amateur klezmer-musician extraordinaire, is a 
theremin aficionado, owning one and having played it with the LA Phil at a 
concert in the last year or so.  But most importantly for this list, Alex 
has, on occasion in the last five years enriched The Sholem Community's Kol 
Nidrei observance (a secular observance by a secular Jewish community) with 
the playing of that haunting melody on the theremin - to great controversy 
within the community!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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