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Re: Theremin (nokh a bisl tsulib dem theremin...)

on 11/5/00 3:18 AM, Ed Sieb at sieb (at) sympatico(dot)ca wrote:

> I'm not a Rabbi, but...
> I don't think playing a Theremin on Shabbat would be kosher.

>> I wonder - since the theremin is not touched when you play it,
>> would the ultra-observant allow it to be played on Shabbat?
>> Given the sound of the theremin, I find the idea rather unnerving.

It has to be plugged in and turned on to operate, thus, it would have to
have been turned on beforehand. Besides that, in most hands, it has a
tendency to sound like a dybbuk (on a good day). I'm going to guess it ain't

Seth Austen
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