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Henry Sapoznik at Yiddish Book Center: Shtimes Fun Amol

To the List:

It was my good fortune today to have received  a call alerting
me that musician/author Henry Sapoznik was speaking at the
Yiddish Book Center (Amherst, Mass.).

Sapoznik presented a lecture on the history of Yiddish radio
entitled "Shtimes Fun Amol" (Voices From the Past), part of
a work-in-progress scheduled for broadcast by NPR for Fall 2001.

Sapoznik's talk was interspersed with rare taped music,
advertisements and dramas from Yiddish radio's fascinating past,
including illuminating information on such figures as David Sarnoff
William Paley (CBS), Abe Cahan (The Forverts), B. Charney Vladek (WEVD)

and dramatist/ linguist Nukhem Stutchkof.

I was much impressed by Sapoznik's strong speaking style
and command of his subject -- delivered without the use
of a microphone.

To arrange for a presentation of this lecture, contact:
Sapoznik (at) aol(dot)com

Wolf Krakowski

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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