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Thanks everyone (from re: Everyone)

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 15:37:45 EDT, you wrote:

>There is another side to this as well. Recently, new list member, Kobi, has 
>asked the list for advice a number of times on various topics. List members 
>have been glad to answer his questions--and so it should be.

Hey, it's "Koby!" With a Y!
Get it right or I breaka you face!

just kidding everyone ;)

Seriously though, my thanks to all the patient folks who have helped me and 
talked -- even after I p.o.'d some of y'all Debbie Friedman fans. I have been 
in many online discussion groups for music, animation, video games, Judaism, 
whatever -- and this one by far has helped me the most with direct answers for 
my questions, etc. It's really a breath of fresh air.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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