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RE: Israelis and Klezmer

    Tayere Simon:
      I sent him info. and I'm assuming that others did also. Don't worry 
about him too much. If he's in the "Biz" he knows about the contrary nature 
of man and woman kind. I hope that I was of help. Please let him know that 
he can contact me off-list AT ANY TIME.
I'm thinking of the Mark Twain quote: NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.
Hopefully, he'll have a sense of humor about all of us overly sensitive 
artiste types. It did not occur to me that this might be a Yiddish vs. 
Israeli  "thing". If it is, that's just too sad for words. Hey, I didn't 
know that we all had to have pedigrees to love Yiddish.
    That Heinz 57 Jew,
      Trudi the G

>From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: RE: Israelis and Klezmer
>Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 15:37:45 EDT
>But, like Trudi, I see no reason not to help the person whose message
>originated this thread, and no reason to invoke any particular chauvinism
>while trying to be helpful.
>  >>
>This is going to be long, so those of you who have already attacked this 
>without knowing the facts can delete this since you have already made up 
>Somewhere along the way, something got lost in the translation, and, I feel
>somewhat responsible.
>Unfortunately, I was the one who refereed him to the list for help.
>The gentleman in question is a filmmaker form Israel, and has received much
>international acclaim and numerous awards for his documentary on Rabin. He
>visited Hatikvah for the first time about 3 or 4 years ago. Up to that time
>he had never heard (European) Klezmer music. Though the purpose of his 
>had nothing to do with Klezmer recordings, the conversation turned to the
>music, and he was fascinated by the music and the emotions the music evoked
>and we discussed the music for quite a while.
>About 2 weeks ago, he visited again, and was able to recall everything that
>we talked about. He told me that he music he heard here years ago never 
>him, and said he wanted to make a (non documentary) film about/around 
>and asked me if there were any films produced that dealt with Klezmer 
>I recommended Joel Rubin's film on the Epstein Bothers ,Yale Strom's film 
>Leopold Kozlowski, "In the Fiddler's House," and even "Yid'l Mitn Fidl".
>However, I did tell him that I didn't know if there were Klezmer films out
>there (other than concerts by contemporary bands).I also recommended some 
>the Klezmer related books discussed on this list.
>I suggested that he post his questions to the LIST since we have so many
>"maven" who know "everything about everything", and I reassured him they
>would gladly help him in locating material. Little did I know that he would
>be attacked so viciously. All he did was ask a question as to where he 
>Many long time members of this list have asked where to find things, where 
>download FREE music, where can they find free sheet music, etc., and 
>they think they have the right to" these goodies" since they are "experts" 
>"Yiddish/Klezmer" music. Yet, when someone who has no knowledge of the
>subject, AND ADMITS IT, asks for help on a subject of which so many on this
>list are knowledgeable, he gets his teeth kicked in.
>There is another side to this as well. Recently, new list member, Kobi, has
>asked the list for advice a number of times on various topics. List members
>have been glad to answer his questions--and so it should be. Yet when this
>gentleman who stated he is Israeli asked for advise, the attacks became
>"Yiddish v/s Israeli" in nature.
>I asked this gentleman about his film on Rabin and as to whether it was
>available on video. It is licensed by a company in Europe. He practically
>gets 'bubkis' from the video-even though it has done very well. He told me
>the money is not important, the thing that is important is that the story 
>I have referred to him as the gentleman, he is also a gentle man, and I am
>very sorry I led him to this ambush.

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