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denotation of "album"

Do folks on this list--and, I guess more importantly, do music lovers/buyers 
out there and the industry generally--(still) accept "album" as a term 
including CDs (and cassettes) in its scope?  (E.g., if a band has issued 10 
"records"--which I imagine is a less useful/narrower-scope term--of which 
some were LPs and/or cassettes and others were CDs and/or cassettes.)

I realize that the word used to be used in re LPs--but bear in mind that it 
had *no* actual coherence w/ respect to that usage at all--just a holdover 
from its use for sets (i.e., albums--as in photograph albums) of 78s.  Its 
continued usage in re LPs was a fascinating example, I thought, of a word 
whose usage (to mean LPs) was accepted by all w/out any thought, though 
few--only older folks, actually--could explain, if asked, why a long-playing 
record was referred to as an "album."

Anyway, do you think I can use it (e.g., on [CD] liner notes) to refer to 
CDs as well as LPs and cassettes?  *I* always (informally) use it thus, but 
... should I?

Thanks to all --

Robert Cohen
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