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Re: dancing with challahs

"I know, I know, I'm not Helen, but I just couldn't resist answering
anyways!!! May all of your challah dreams come true. And remember to save a
piece for the Challah fairy!!!
    Trudi the G"

I hesitated in posting the recipe just because it isn?t really Jewish music 
but  below is how I bake my challahs.  In any event the honga-challahs were 
the best I?ve ever made so I guess it was a good thing that the music 
distracted me from my challah baking.I?ve got a loaf in the freezer for 
Trudi the challah fairy if she wants to come to Calgary.:

Here is the Challah recipe:

4 cups warm water
2 Tbsp. Dry yeast (rapid rising type)
4 eggs
½ cup oil
½ cup honey
2 cups raisins
14-15 cups of flour
1 Tbsp. Coarse kosher salt

1 egg beaten
Poppy seeds

Pour warm water into a large mixing bowl.  Add some of the flour and yeast.  
Mix well.  Then add remainder of liquid ingredients, raisins, salt and rest 
of flour (I don?t go so much by measurement as by checking the texture of 
the dough when adding the flour).  Knead dough and set aside to rise.

Punch down dough and form challahs.  Glaze with beaten egg and sprinkle with 
poppy seeds. Place on greased baking sheet and let rise again until doubled.

Bake 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Yields 6 loaves.

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