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Re: flying poultry

In a message dated 9/8/00 1:01:50 AM, winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< I know you can't believe everything on the net, so wanted to get some 
opinions on the custom described below of throwing a hen and a rooster over 
the heads of a newly married couple(and what would the klezmorim have played 
for this ceremony?): >>

(There are more learned folk out there who can explain this better).
The action in Yiddish is called "shlogging a kapores" - it was not just used 
in wedding ceromonies  (in fact, in some orthodox groups it's still in use). 
The act is to ward off evil spirits - The chicken (or rooster) is held by 
it's feet above a persons head and spun around several times. I don't believe 
it has any religious (biblical) root, just Eastern European superstition.  
Don't know about the music music? A klezmer version of 'The Chicken Dance"!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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