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Re: CD Re-issue of "Yaffa Yarkoni Sings Yiddish" is =Yofi=

In a message dated 8/29/0 7:18:44 AM, Elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU writes:

<< Musical tidbit: The Osssers were from my mother-in-law's hometown of 
Munising, Michigan in the Upper Peninsula. Glenn's parents were local 
merchants. In a French-Canadian town, they were one of the few Jewish 

I haven't checked this, but maybe Simon, our LA connection,  has more info.

Glenn Osser's work with violins is legendary within the industry. He alos 
worked with Lenny Welch (though not on his classic smash hit "Since I fell 
For You") at Kapp Records, and did some amazing work there.

With appologies to Calire:  In the late 70's or early 80's, Claire Barry (The 
Barry Sisters) hired Glenn Osser to arrange some "modern" songs she wanted to 
record including some DISCO flavored tunes. Needless to say, this was not her 
best effort and has never been released. I have a copy of the recording 
safely locked away for which Claire pays me a very nice sum every month not 
to release! ;-)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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