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Re: Zucker Yiddish Text

Why not simply ask Sheva? Someone on this list must have her e-mail

wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com wrote:

> Sheva Zucker's textbook "Yiddish: An Introduction..." has been
> recommended by some on the list for those of us who want to gain
> better understanding of Yiddish songs.  I've encountered two ISBNs for
> the text: 1877909661 (paperback) and 0881255009 (hardcover).  Are
> these the same?  I ask because the list price for the hardcover seems
> to be lower than that for the paperback.  There also seems to be a
> volume 2.  Is it still in the works?  Or is it included in the
> paperback version and not in the hardcover version?  Can anyone help
> me?
> When I get all of that sorted out, I will also be interested in the
> accompanying audio cassettes.  Those who are interested in the results
> of my search (of course I'll be looking for the the lowest price
> including any shipping costs and taxes) can contact me off-list.
> Bob

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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