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Zucker Yiddish Text
- From: wiener <wiener...>
- Subject: Zucker Yiddish Text
- Date: Mon 28 Aug 2000 12.06 (GMT)
Sheva Zucker's textbook "Yiddish: An Introduction..." has been
recommended by some on the list for those of us who want to gain
better understanding of Yiddish songs. I've encountered two ISBNs for
the text: 1877909661 (paperback) and 0881255009 (hardcover). Are
these the same? I ask because the list price for the hardcover seems
to be lower than that for the paperback. There also seems to be a
volume 2. Is it still in the works? Or is it included in the
paperback version and not in the hardcover version? Can anyone help
When I get all of that sorted out, I will also be interested in the
accompanying audio cassettes. Those who are interested in the results
of my search (of course I'll be looking for the the lowest price
including any shipping costs and taxes) can contact me off-list.
---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+
- Zucker Yiddish Text,