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Re: Michael Wex article and KlezKanada

KlezKanada somehow managed to bring some of the best Jewish/Yiddish musical 
and theatrical talent in the world to the Laurentians.  Great opportunity to 
hear so many different styles performed at the highest level.  Some of the 
performers: Brave Old World, Khevrisa, part of Budowitz (Josh Horowitz and 
Merlin Shepherd), Strauss/Warschauer, David Krakauer, Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne 
Cooper, Jenny Romaine, Frank London, German Goldenshteyn, emcee Michael Wex 
and many others.  

My personal high points of the concerts: Frank London's cantorial chant on 
the trumpet, David Krakauer's clarinet wailing with incredible energy, and 
the unique styles of Budowitz and Khevrisa.  I know I left out many 
highlights but feel free to comment.  I won't bore you with the details of 
great learning ensembles, dance bands, instrument classes, lectures not to 
mention the total devotion of the staff.  It would be interesting to hear the 
perspective from a performers/faculty viewpoint.

Alan Sisselman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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