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>My feeling is that many internet users simply have no concept of the idea
of "intellectual property." When people write music or books, paint pictures
or take photos, it is usually the sum of years of their own hard work.
Scholars who present papers or write essays usually receive little or no
financial recompense, yet it is tacitly understood that they might possibly
be rewarded with publication in a respected journal or special edition.
Simply to dump scholarly papers on the internet DOES devalue the work and I,
personally, would find little reason to produce a paper--or song or
recording--if I weren't recompensed with either some money or prestige. To
me it doesn't seem "ethically right" to bust my ass for free. 

Omeyn, viomeyn.  (I.e., well said.)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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