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Re: Fw: "Menorah Records" & "Collectors Guild"

Hi, all.

The Stambler collection of +/- 3,000 items was sold in the 1960s to the LOC 
and the NYPL as this correspondent indicates upon the death of Benedict 
Stambler. Most went to the NYPL, where I believe it is now in storage as 
they are renovating the Rodgers and Hammerstein archive. Should be out soon.

If anyone has a research need to know what was in the collection (since the 
library records at the LOC and NYPL do NOT indicate Stambler as the source) 
please check with me by private email and I will send you in the right 



At 04:16 PM 7/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Here's some info
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Shalom Septimus" <druggist (at) p0b0x(dot)c0m>
>Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 12:31 AM
>Subject: Re: "Menorah Records" & "Collectors Guild"
> > On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:35:39 -0800, Howard Sisko <hows (at) loop(dot)com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >"Menorah Records" and "Collectors Guild" (New York) went out of business
> > >years ago. Does anyone know how I might pursue getting in touch with
> > >either someone familiar with or who was associated with (directly or
> > >indirectly) either of these record companies from the early 60's?
> >
> > I have a phone number for House of Menorah, circa 1978 (212-925-7573
> > and -7574). I have no clue as to whether the numbers are still valid,
> > 22 years later. You could try a reverse-lookup directory and see who
> > that number belongs to today.
> >
> > (This number was on a sticker attached to an LP on the Isradisc label;
> > they were the local distributors. I'm not entirely positive whether
> > they were also the Menorah label that released such classic albums as
> > the Or Chodosh, etc., as well as reissuing many other labels' classic
> > Jewish LPs on Stereo-8 carts (remember those...?) but it seems
> > likely.)
> >
> > Collector's Guild records were produced by (Mr and Mrs) Benedict and
> > Helen Stambler. I don't think Benedict is alive anymore (pretty sure
> > he passed away in 1967) but they may have (grand)kids somewhere who
> > might have more information about their stuff. Also the Library of
> > Congress has something called the Benedict Stambler Archive of
> > Recorded Jewish Music in their collection; see
> >
> > This appears to be housed in the New York Public Library's Rogers &
> > Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound: see
> > I have no idea
> > what's in this collection, but it would seem likely that if Benedict
> > collected it himself, he'd have included at least the stuff he
> > released on his own label.
> >
> > Good luck...
> > --
> > Shalom Septimus

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:           781-862-2432
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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