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Fw: "Menorah Records" & "Collectors Guild"

Here's some info

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shalom Septimus" <druggist (at) p0b0x(dot)c0m>
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 12:31 AM
Subject: Re: "Menorah Records" & "Collectors Guild"

> On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:35:39 -0800, Howard Sisko <hows (at) loop(dot)com>
> wrote:
> >"Menorah Records" and "Collectors Guild" (New York) went out of business
> >years ago. Does anyone know how I might pursue getting in touch with
> >either someone familiar with or who was associated with (directly or
> >indirectly) either of these record companies from the early 60's?
> I have a phone number for House of Menorah, circa 1978 (212-925-7573
> and -7574). I have no clue as to whether the numbers are still valid,
> 22 years later. You could try a reverse-lookup directory and see who
> that number belongs to today.
> (This number was on a sticker attached to an LP on the Isradisc label;
> they were the local distributors. I'm not entirely positive whether
> they were also the Menorah label that released such classic albums as
> the Or Chodosh, etc., as well as reissuing many other labels' classic
> Jewish LPs on Stereo-8 carts (remember those...?) but it seems
> likely.)
> Collector's Guild records were produced by (Mr and Mrs) Benedict and
> Helen Stambler. I don't think Benedict is alive anymore (pretty sure
> he passed away in 1967) but they may have (grand)kids somewhere who
> might have more information about their stuff. Also the Library of
> Congress has something called the Benedict Stambler Archive of
> Recorded Jewish Music in their collection; see
> This appears to be housed in the New York Public Library's Rogers &
> Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound: see
> I have no idea
> what's in this collection, but it would seem likely that if Benedict
> collected it himself, he'd have included at least the stuff he
> released on his own label.
> Good luck...
> --
> Shalom Septimus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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