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Re: A question to the yiddish speakers

It all depends on the CONTEXT.
1.It could  be a question.
1a. Thats what HE said?  Hot ER gezugt. (emphasize he or er and go up on
said or gezugt)  To emphase the person who said it.
1b. That's what he SAID? Hot er GEZUGT? (go up on said  or gezugt)
To emphasize what was said.

2.Or for exclamation.
2a. That's what HE said!!  Hot ER gezugt!(emphasize he and said or er and
gezugt) To emphasize the person who said it.
2b. That's what he SAID! Hot er GEZUGT! (emphasize said or gezugt and also
emphasize said or gezugt) To emphasize what was said.

Or simply, That's what he said. No emphasis on any word.

Language can be simply complicated.


> At 09:59 AM 7/9/00 +0200, you wrote:
> >Tayere khevre,
> >
> >A question to the yiddish - english speakers of the list (perhaps a bit
> of topics, but not so much...)
> >My father used to say "Hot e' gezugt", meaning ironically something like
> 'He said that, but...'
> >which could be translated in French as 'Cause toujours...' 'Tu parles!' ,
> 'Tu l'as dit!' .
> >As a wink to Tate's memory, I called my klezmer band 'Hotegezugt' and I'm
> desperately trying to find an english translation.
> >Could some of you help me?
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Michal
> >
> >
> >Michel Borzykowski
> >12 chemin Franconis
> >CH-1290 Versoix
> >Switzerland
> >tel (+41/22) 755.41.23
> >fax (+41/22) 776.14.94
> >e-mail: borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch
> >Geneva klezmer page:
> ><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> ><META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type>
> ><META content="MSHTML 5.00.2014.210" name=GENERATOR>
> ></HEAD>
> ><BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>Tayere khevre,</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>A question to the yiddish - english speakers of the
> >(perhaps a bit out of topics, but not so much...)</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>My father used to say "Hot e' gezugt", meaning
> >something like 'He said that, but...' </FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>which could be translated in French as 'Cause
> toujours...' 'Tu
> >parles!' , 'Tu l'as dit!'&nbsp;.</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>As a wink to Tate's memory, I called my klezmer band
> >'Hotegezugt' and I'm desperately trying to find an english
> >translation.</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>Could some of you help me?</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>Thanks!</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2>Michal</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT size=2><BR>Michel Borzykowski<BR>12 chemin
> >Versoix<BR>Switzerland<BR>tel (+41/22) 755.41.23<BR>fax (+41/22)
> >776.14.94<BR>e-mail: <A
>href="mailto:borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch">borzykowski (at) 
> neva
> >klezmer page: <A
> >

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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