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Re: Jacob Hoffman

Jakey Hoffman (1898? - 1972) played on all (ninety-three) of Kandel's 
recordings - when he didn't play xylophone he played drum set.  His father, 
Joseph Hoffman, was a klezmer from Kriovozer in Ukraine (not far from Uman) 
who played violin and trumpet at weddings in Philly.  Jakey was a great 
classical xylophonist who travelled with the Ballet Russes, toured on the 
Keith vaudeville circuit, and played as extra percussionist with the 
Philadelphia orchestra.  His brother Morris (also a musician) is still alive, 
and his daughter, Elaine Hoffman Watts (the first female percussionist to 
graduate Curtis institute) keeps her father's legacy alive.  Contact me off 
list for phone#s, etc. 
-  Hankus Netsky

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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