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Re: new Budowitz album, Wedding without a Bride, now out


I didn't mean to imply that Budowitz was doing Khevrisa's material!
I'll go back and look at the wording. I did mean to imply common
repertoire, and I was aware (and it's stated on my main web page)
that Steven had been part of the original Budowitz. That he would
continue to play some tunes that he played in the band seems natural,
but I'll make sure the website is clear on which preceded the other.

>> My first tsimbl was constructed by a country farmer an hour from
>> my house and altered (again and again) to fit the Jewish modes.

You mean, this guy?

Anyway, in case anyone missed it, the big deal is that the album is 
out, and it's wonderful. And yes, I have criticisms of the typography.
But you knew I would ;-).


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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