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Re: Sephardic instrumental music

think you understood well.. His point is a bit strange I feel>  I'm a 
layman when it comes to Sephardic culture but it seems to me that 
this was not a folk culture in the sense the Ashkenazic (yiddish) 
culture was and thus comparing the two like he does doesn't make that 
much sense. But maybe our Sephardic music experts can shed some light 
on that..


>My German ain't so good, but on p. 26 of Yiddishe Musikanten un Tentzer,
>Walter Salmen seems to be writing about the fact that medieval
>(pre-expulsion) Jewish musicians and dancers were less restricted in Spanish
>dance halls than they were in Germany (where Jews and non-Jews couldn't dance
>together, etc.).  If our Deutsche Shpraching Freunden und Freundinen have any
>further insights (or would simply like to point out that I missed the point
>entirely) please let me know.  --Hankus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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