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Jeffrey Miller/Burden of Proof Research wrote:

> >A Jewish Canadian;
> >a Canadian being more or less  an American with a decent
> >health plan;  but without a gun in the house.
> Oi, Wolf!  (As opposed to "Oy, Wolf!)  As an American who became a Canadian
> (and is both, in addition to being Jewish) I object (and know you know 
> better).

I do; I'm just kidding here.

> The whole thing about being Canadian is that one is not American!

So, a national identity is defined by what it is not?  Curious concept...
For the heck of it,  what percentage of your music library is by US artists vs.
Canadian ones?
You reading library?
How many US- made movies do you see in any given year vs. Canadian ones?
What about the "brand names" in your fridge, pantry  and medicine cabinet?
TV programs?  Magazines?  Car?  Clothing?

The universities are loaded with American-educated professors.
US corporations and franchises are everywhere.
 Professional sports teams are comprised of more US
(and other) players than Canadian ones...

> (And our
> health system isn't in such great shape these days.)

Which is a cryin' shame.

> (Also, I learned that Oi business by associating with all the Brits up here.)
> Re: Simon's posting on Chess.  After I had a piece of fiction published in
> Commentary in the late 1980s (I know, a weird place for a crypto-liberal;
> but it still had a good reputation as a publisher of fiction: published
> Cynthia Ozick, e.g., to whom I dedicated my story), I sent them a
> non-fiction essay about the uneasy relationship between Jews and blacks in
> jazz.  It was called "The Other Outsiders" and attempted to argue that Jews
> were prominent in entertainment in music for many of the same reasons as
> blacks, and that black anti-semitism was largely a desire to have somebody
> else on the bottom.  They sent it back pronto, clearly nervous about
> touching the subject.  I'll try to find it and maybe post it if anyone is
> interested.

Please do;  I'd love to read, as I am sure would many others.

With best wishes,



> I'm sure it was incredibly insightful, bold,... or at least it
> was more intelligently argued than I've just managed.
> Jeff M.
> Toronto

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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