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First Night Mount Holly, NJ -- Sunday, December 31, 2000

This a primary inquiry "open to performers of various, Jewish Music
Genre," who might be interested in performing at the local synagogue; as
part of  First Night Mount Holly. This venue
would be scheduled to showcase a variety of Jewish Music performers and
hopefully; conclude with a semi-planned conclusion, on the stroke of
midnight. Please e-mail, mail; or phone me, as soon as possible, so that
I can judge interest and start working on  arrangements. 

Jacob Freedman  : Host/Producer
Sunday Morning Klezmer & Other Jewish Music
WBZC-FM 88.9 FM :
E-Mail &  Url Addresses : sundaymorningklezmer (at) usa(dot)net 

This is the message,  I received from  the First Night Mt Holly

From: "Regan Young, AIA" <rgy (at) ryebread(dot)com>
Subject: First Night Mount Holly
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 15:02:45 -0400

So, what is First Night ?

First Night is an international visual and performing arts festival
by and for local communities to welcome the New Year. It is a public
celebration that revives the ancient tradition of marking the passage of
time with art, ritual, and festivity in a present-day context.  The
of First Night is to broaden and deepen the public's appreciation of the
performing and visual arts through an innovative, diverse, and
New Year's Eve program which offers the community a shared cultural
experience that is accessible and affordable to all.

Our second annual First Night Mount Holly is now being planned for 31
December 2000, and I'm asking your help getting the kind of high quality,
diversity of performing artists that participated last year. 
we plan to feature an art exhibit, a magic show, dance, jazz, bluegrass,
gospel rap & klezmer, as well as bringing back our popular rock & roll,
Celtic, and steel drum types of bands!

Artists love performing for a First Night because, as a non-alcoholic
event, people are really there to hear the music.  The Rotary Club of
Holly is providing Honoraria to the artists of $300 for one 45-minute set
and $500 for two 45-minute sets.  We need to get our artists under
by 30 June.  Who would you recommend?

Regan Young, AIA, First Night Mt Holly Coordinator
456 High Street
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
rgy (at) ryebread(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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