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Raphael Yair Elnadav


Are any of you familiar with Elnadav's recordings? I have his "Ladino Folk 
Songs", first released ca. 1961 and re-released a lot since then (but now 
seemingly out of print...Simon?) But I have not been able to obtain a copy 
of ", Sephardic prayer songs for the High Holy Days: Raphael Yair Elnadav, 
1980", on Caytronics.

Elnadav was an extremely important figure in the Syrian Sephardic 
community, serving as cantor at Shaare Zion from 1959 to 1980. He is said 
to have had an exhaustive knowledge of both arab and Turkish maqamat. 
"Ladino Folk Songs" has western style arrangements, and he seems to be 
singing in the western ("a la Franka") style, except for something of a 
Middle East vocal production. My questions are like so: (1) Do folks agree 
with my characterization of "Ladino Folk Songs"? (2) Has anyone heard his 
Prayer Songs LP, and can you describe whether he is singing in an eastern 
style on that recording? (3) Has anyone heard both, and how does his 
approach differ, it at all, on the two?

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. If anyone can 
supply a tape of the 1980 recording and copies of the recording please 
contact me via private email.



Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

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